Thursday, August 30, 2018

Loving You

Loving You

Sometimes the warm tears flow down my face when I think of you, when I hear certain songs or when I take a walk...

Thoughts of you come to my mind and I have to pray to move forward without you in my life as you once were,

Emotions run high in loving you and yet knowing that my love for you was not meant for a time such as this brings me back to reality...

Sadness fills my heart, yet I know I must wipe away my tears and continue to smile and act as if there is no hurt...

Missing you touches deep within my soul and yet I know that I cannot keep dwelling on what cannot be...

Loving you was a joyous time for while,
yet now I have to put that love away deep within my heart, not because I want to, but because I have to ...

I do not regret loving you, I only regret it was the wrong timing in doing so...

May you always be happy and blessed, and may you always know that God's love for you will never fail...

Copyright Aug. 30,  2019
Teresa Causey-Christian