Tuesday, December 3, 2019

God Is Always There For You...

I felt a need to share what is on my heart... I want to tell you about someone who is there for you, even when you feel no one else is, a man, who will love you no matter what wrong you have done in your life, a man who can heal your hearts and your bodies, a man who will raise you up even when others are trying to tear you down, a man who will walk while carrying you when you cannot carry yourself, a man who will comfort you when you feel down, a man who bottle all of your tears, a man who knows the pain of sorrow and a man who knows the joy of caring for others and a man who died and rose from the grave that we might live eternally with Him as those that have accepted Him into their hearts and gone before us. This wonderful and amazing man is Jesus Christ the son of God. If you feel a tug in your spirit to turn your life over to Him and to serve Him, please heed that tug for we are not promised tomorrow. Do not turn from Him when He is reaching out to you. Do not say, "I will live for today and accept Him on another day" for you may or may not have that extra day. You have not sinned so bad that He will not forgive you. To accept Him into your heart is as simple as asking Him to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart and to confess that you have received Him. I hope that you will think on these things and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour this very night.  tcc