Monday, December 31, 2018

Hurt By An Untruth

Hurt By An Untruth
Although she still loves him, she knows she must accept his rejection of her and of her love. She thought he felt the same because he had told her that he loved her, only to later change his mind and decide she was not who he wanted. She would have rather been hurt by the truth in the beginning than to have been hurt by an untruth after such as she was. Her love for him was different, she laughed more with him, she felt more deep within her soul for him only to be rejected. Even so she is a warrior and she has survived these battle wounds of loving him and knowing that she can never be with him. Yet with God's help she will hold her head up and walk through the pain with a smile on her face.
She had not opened her heart in many years until him and now she must learn to be even more careful in opening it again. She prays for God to help her to move forward and to accept what cannot be.
She loves him, yet she knows it cannot be...
Copyright Teresa Causey-Christian
Dec. 31, 2018

Friday, December 28, 2018

Shattered Pieces

Shattered Pieces

And in that moment she knew that no matter how much she still loves him that she has to wipe away the tears and to put her love for him away deep within and that she now has to move on; for her love for him was not meant to be. She will not beg for his love, it is either given freely or it is not given at all. She loved, she lost, she cried and then she handed the shattered pieces of her heart to God for Him to mend...
Copyright Teresa Causey-Christian

Thursday, December 20, 2018

In That Moment

In That Moment
It was in that moment that she realized that she had no choice but to move forward and to not look back. Although she still loves him, she knows it cannot ever be and she must now begin to heal. She bowed her head and asked God to help her concerning her love for him, for she knew it was now time for her heart to accept what her head already knows to be true. tcc

Copyright TeresaCausey-Christian
Dec. 20, 2018

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

She Has Hope

"She Has Hope"

She doesn't have a home to call her own; yet she has hope she will have one soon ...
She doesn't have all of her children and grandchildren near her; yet she has hope that someday they will be...
She doesn't have a special someone to walk hand in hand with at this time; yet she has hope that she will have someday...
Through it all she has hope. Hope and faith go hand in hand, therefore you can't have one without the other. Never lose hope, God is our hope!
Teresa Causey-Christian
Dec 11, 2011

Thursday, November 22, 2018


We can lose a home and be homeless, yet God will help us to still find a way to smile...
We can lose our other possessions and yet God will still help us see that we still have Him...
We can miss those we love because they refuse to be in our lives as they once were, yet God will never leave nor forsake us...
We can feel all alone and afraid, yet God will bring us peace in our wilderness...
We can get to where we don't see an answer, yet God always has the answer...
We can cry alone where others can't see us, yet God bottles our tears....
We can fall in love and have our heartsbroken, yet God promises that He is close to the broken hearted...
No matter our trials and heartaches, we can still be assured that God is right there with us, to lead us, to guide us, to hold us and to comfort us.
Copyright Teresa Causey-Christian
Nov. 22, 2018

Friday, September 21, 2018

A Love Not Meant For A Time Such As This...

A Love Not Meant For A Time Such As This...

She had never opened her heart to anyone like she had him, only to realized that her love for him was not mean for a time such as this. It started as friendship which blossomed into a love as she'd never felt before. They had spent hours talking and taking long walks together. Oh the joy she felt when they spent time together, not only the laughter they shared, but also the stories and the adventures they shared. Then all to soon those moments came to an end and they were no longer spending time with one another and she reflects on how she is now left with moving ahead knowing that her love for him cannot be. She loved, she lost, she cried and then she gave the broken pieces of her heart to God for Him to mend.
Copyright Teresa Causey-Christian
Sept  20, 2018

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Loving You

Loving You

Sometimes the warm tears flow down my face when I think of you, when I hear certain songs or when I take a walk...

Thoughts of you come to my mind and I have to pray to move forward without you in my life as you once were,

Emotions run high in loving you and yet knowing that my love for you was not meant for a time such as this brings me back to reality...

Sadness fills my heart, yet I know I must wipe away my tears and continue to smile and act as if there is no hurt...

Missing you touches deep within my soul and yet I know that I cannot keep dwelling on what cannot be...

Loving you was a joyous time for while,
yet now I have to put that love away deep within my heart, not because I want to, but because I have to ...

I do not regret loving you, I only regret it was the wrong timing in doing so...

May you always be happy and blessed, and may you always know that God's love for you will never fail...

Copyright Aug. 30,  2019
Teresa Causey-Christian

Sunday, July 22, 2018

God Bottles Our Tears

I sometimes think that walking in the rain has its benefits as it can blend in with a multitude of tears flowing down your face that only God and you know are there and that He bottles every one of our tears no matter what they are being shed for. He cares and He is there even when others can't be there with you. He will always be there for you even in your darkest hour and when you are feeling alone. Give it all to Him and see Him move in your life. 
Teresa Causey-Christian
April 18, 2018

Our Choices

Think of your past as a learning experience and take note of what not to do again and as to what you should do for your present and future choices... Your past bad choices do not define you especially when you are now making better ones. Only God and you define you. Your reputation is what others say about, but your character is who you are. If you do make a bad choices, then recongnize it as that and do your best not to repeat them. Let your good choices out weigh any of your past or even current bad ones. You got this.. Accept your past for what it was and look to your present and your future for what it now is... I am...
Teresa Causey-Christian
June 3, 2018

Keep God Above All Else

Just a thought:
No matter what happens in life, no matter who walks into your life or who walks out of your life, please continue to serve God above all else. Sometimes He prunes us spiritually and sometimes physically, either way He does it for a reason that will work to our good in the end. tcc
See Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work for the good of those who love God; and are called according to His purpose.
Teresa Causey-Christian
July 5, 2018

Struggles Can Break Or Make You

We all have struggles of one kind or another, some are the same and some are different. The thing to remember is that not all deal with them as you do. It doesn't make them or you a bad person if you are struggling it just means we are human. Struggles can break you or make you, the choice is yours. You can make it through them with God's help and guidance and that of family/friends if they aka f/f are supportive. Struggles can be caused by the past or the present, they can be your fault or the fault of someone else, but no matter who's fault it is you can rise out of those struggles and be stronger for it.  Life can hard at times, but even so you can choose to move forward and to learn from your struggles and to learn which choices to make an as which ones to avoid. Give yourself a break at times and take time to stop and reflect before making a decision and most importantly pray about them first and foremost. Choices and struggles sometimes go hand in hand, but they don't always have to; so be wise in your choices now and in the future and remember you can't change your past choices, but you can start making better ones from this moment forward.
Teresa Causey-Christian
June 19, 2018

Words Can Hurt

Something to think about...
I think people and trees are alike in some way such as if you keep chopping away at a person with your hurtful words as if welding an axe at tree then eventually you may be able to say, Timber and see the tree (person) fall, but if you aren't careful the same words you used to chop at that person may cause the tree to land on you when you finally feel the pain you have been causing them. You may also find instead that you have only chopped some of the branches off of the tree, but that you can't chop the heart of the tree to make it fall and it will continue to stand and grow in spite of your efforts.  I hope if you are being chopped at with hurtful words by someone that you will withstand and not fall as a tree does after so many hits from the axe. Choose your words wisely for they can be sweet and kind or sharp as an axe... Just my thoughts on it...
Teresa Causey-Christian
June 1, 2018

Guard Your Heart

Guard your heart for it is as delicate as glass and it can be easily broken... Yet when it is give it to God for He will never break your heart nor leave or foresake you.
Teresa Causey-Christian
June 10, 2018

Don't Be Discouraged

Don't Be Discouraged

When things seem to be going wrong and all hell seems to be breaking lose, don't always look at it as an attack of the devil. I believe sometimes it is God moving us into His perfect plan for our lives. Such as in my situations that in the natural seem to have no quick answer; yet I know that it all will be taken care of in His perfect timing not in mine. His word tells us not to worry, but to give thanks and to count our trials as blessings, so how can we then think that all of our trials and troubles are a curse when they aren't. We must look for the good in every bad situation and more importantly we must trust God 100%. I have had to take huge steps and make huge changes in my life recently that I have been avoiding for years and they seem scary in the natural, yet I am trusting God and I am moving forward knowing that God has my best interest at hand. He has never failed me before and He won't fail me now and He will never fail you either. Do not let being in a wilderness for a time discourage you, let it be an encuragment that God is about to bring you out of that and into the Promised Land of goodness in your life. That is what I am trusting God and Him believing for in my life and in yours.
Teresa Causey-Christian
April 3, 2018

God And His Many Wonders

When I listen to the sound of the rain dancing all around,
I think of God and His many wonders.
I think of how one little drop of rain can come down as a tear from the sky or as a nurishment to the earth.
I think of how God took a void space and turned it into this beautiful planet we call earth. 
I think of how He breathed life into Adam and then formed woman from Adam.
I think of how He allows the storms to rage and then as quickly He calms them.
I think of how He parted to the Red Sea and how He closed it.
I think of how He created the birds of the air and the creatures of the ground
I think of how He died on the cross and rose again to live forevermore
I think of all the pain He endured for all of us and yet never complained
I think of His love for us and yet many continue to reject Him
I think of the tears He must cry when He sees how evil this world is
I think of Him and I say I am so sorry Lord that the world has grieved You
I think of Him and how He is the great I am who is the one true God above all Gods.
Copyright April 3, 2018 Teresa Causey-Christian

Friday, July 13, 2018

If Only Love Were Enough

If only love were enough how perfect my love for you would be

I could love you without the reality that it was not meant to be for me

If only love were enough in my life you would be

But love wasn't enough this I now see

If only love were enough I would not have felt the sadness that I do

So I must accept that my love cannot be for you

© Teresa Causey-Christian

July 13, 2018

She Had To Let Him Go

He turned and walked away and it was then the warm tears began to flow like a river,

She didn't want him to see her cry so she held it inside.

In her heart of hearts she didn't want him leave

She wanted to stop him, however she knew she had to let him go...

She will miss him and think of him, but she loves him enough to not stop him from going...

© Teresa Causey-Christian

May 23, 2018

I Think of You

I find myself thinking of you even when I am trying not to...

I think of the laughter we shared, of the long walks, talks and I think of us as we would watch the sun go down over the water.

I think of your smile and of the joy I felt each time that I saw you or even just thought of you.

But then you told me to forget you

That is so much easier said than done.

You gave your reasons, yet it doesn't ease the hurt that I feel deep inside at the thought of not spending time with you anymore...

I feel such a sadness and yet I now know it was not meant to be for a time such as this...

© Teresa Causey-Christian

July 2, 2018

I Am Not Unflawed

I saw the signs of you pulling away

I saw what I didn't want see

and now it has cost me the pain of your rejection

You built me up only to tear me down with your words

You made me laugh only to turn around and make me cry

I blame myself more than you for I choose to stay even after your words cut so deep

You walked away from me because I didn't measure up to who you thought I should be

I am who I am, for I am not perfect, I am not unflawed, yet I am worthy of love even if not in your eyes

© Teresa Causey-Christian

May 22, 2018

  A New Direction

Even though she still cares for him, she must accept that it was not meant for a time such as this...

She must dry the tears that have flowed down her face...

And move in whatever direction God leads her, even though that direction is without the one she cares about...

She chooses to remember the good memories of the laughter, his smile, the long talks, walks and the joy she felt during those times...

Even though she loved with an open with heart as never before, it was not meant for a time such as this...

© Teresa Causey-Christian

July 8, 2018

Whispers of the Heart

       Whispers of the Heart

Whispers of the heart can be soft and gentle,

Yet some can make you feel shattered if not returned

Let not your heart be troubled

For if they truly love you they will let you know

Whispers of the heart can dry a tear or cause a tear

Either way it can be a lesson learned

Whispers of the heart will let you learn if their intentions were honest or if you were just a passing thought

Whispers of the heart

Can bring you joy or bring you sadness

You choose which it does

Let not sadness overtake you

Instead let the happinessness of the true whispers of the heart overtake you

Whispers of the heart which are real will be more powerful than those that are not...

© Teresa Causey-Christian

July 10, 2018

Monday, July 9, 2018

We Must Find The Positives Even In All Negatives

When I listen to the birds beautiful singing it makes me think of God and how He has blessed me to wake to see another day and how I know that since He provides even for the sparrows that He will also provide for me and for you. He blessed the birds to be able to sing to bring joy and peace to others. I am excited to see what God has planned in each of our lives to spread His word and to help others. Even though each of our situations are tough right now we can rest assured that God is moving in them even when we can't see that move in the natural. When someone is  without a home it is hard at times, but it isn't the worst thing that can happen to a person, and it can even bring one closer to God in many ways and it can keep you feeling grateful for even the smallest of things in life. People say life is bad, but like I have told many it isn't life that is bad, its just some of the bumps in the road that are bad, but if we hold on we can get over those bumps and they can be as stepping stones to better places in life. I know God will provide all of my needs in His timing as long as I keep doing what I need to as well. He has not left nor forsaken you in your situation nor me in mine and He wants us to continue to trust Him above all else and all others that He will do as He says. His word and promises will not come back void. We need to keep speaking His words back to Him and we need to believe what we speak for the power of death and life are in the tongue and we will eat the fruit thereof. We must keep making positive declarations as to what God is doing and can do and will do in all of our lifes and situations. We must stand upon His word for He is our rock and our High Tower to which we can run to. He has a ministry for each of us and He will fullfil that which He has has started in each of us. We must look to the positive even in every negative situation. No matter what we go through in life it will work for out for our good as long as we keep our eyes and hearts on God. You will come out of your situation and you will be stronger in Christ for it. You will learn and you will grow and you will use it to help others to get through their own situations. All we go through in life are lessons to learn from and can be used to help ourselves and others. Sometimes we are focucing so much on the bad situations in our lives that we aren't seeing the answers God has already given us or is about to give us. I know I have been guilty of that myself at times. We get so frustrated and so loud in our own thoughts sometimes that we can't even hear God over them. He should only have to whisper to us, yet sometimes it seems we leave Him no choice but to yell to get our attention. By yelling I mean allowing situations and time to seem as if they are at a standstill when really they aren't, they are just delayed a little while. No matter what is going on in life God is still in control even when we are selves aren't. We must keep trusting God and believing that He will help us in all things.
© Teresa Causey-Christian
July 9, 2018

I Trust You Lord

I trust you Lord
When my heart is heavy,
When my spirit weeps,
When all seems out of my control, When I am afraid,

When I am rejected,

When I am disrespected, 
When I am replaced,
When I am displaced,
When I am confused, 
When your choices are not mine, 
When I am feeling alone, 
When my burdens are many, 
When I make the wrong choices, 
When all is said and done,
I trust you Lord and should I ever have doubt then please forgive me Lord...
Written By Teresa Causey-Christian

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Not For A Time Such As This

She had never felt this way before until she opened her heart to him so complety, even though she knew that her love for him was not for a time such as this; therefore leaving her with the shattered pieces of her heart...

She is trying to accept what she knows is best for both of them, yet the pain is still so fresh and ever present. She misses his laughter, their long talks and walks, and she longs to hear his voice again and to see his smile...

She feels the warm tears flow down her face like a river with no end, yet she must do her best to dry her tears and to remember the happiness she felt each time she spent with him. Oh the joy she felt during those times and yet now Oh the sadness she feels since she can't be in his life as she once was...

She is usually strong, but today she is weak, yet with God's help she will be strong and full of joy again...

She is thankful for the time that she did get with him... 

If only love were enough to break through the barriers that cause division. 

She wants only God's best for him now and always even if God's best is for her not being in his life as before...

©Teresa Causey-Christian
May 24, 2018

Friday, July 6, 2018

God Heal The Broken Pieces

She made the choice to open her heart and allowed herself to love and to trust again only to be realize to late the cost that choice would be. It cost her tears, hurt, mistrust, sadness, a new doubt in herself that she had not felt in many years and so much more. Yet even with all of that she knows with God's help she will heal and that she will move forward and that she must not doubt herself just because of others opinions of her. She will guard her heart as never before; for she allowed herself to love and trust once again this time as never before. She will now dry her tears, lift her head and not look back into her past unless it can help someone somehow. She has asked God to heal the broken pieces of her heart.

© Teresa Causey-Christian
July 1, 2018

Trust God Above All Else

Smile when you feel like crying...
Laugh when you want to scream...
Love when you feel you can't...
Give of yourself even if you have nothing else...
Live life to the fullest...
Trust God above all else. 
© Teresa Causey-Christian
July 6, 2018

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

And Then He Walked Away

The joy she felt each time they talked about God and life was wonderful and then one day he had to walk away from her.

She was left holding the shattered pieces of her heart of a friendship torn apart.

She cried and then she realized that she had to move forward without him in her life as before to be sure that he is not hurt again by others words due to their friendship. She wants nothing but the best that God has to offer for him.

Even though she can't be in his life as before, she still prays for him and she still speaks blessings over him in her heart.

She also prays for those who have cut so deep with their words that have caused him such hurt.

May 23, 2018
Written By:

Teresa Causey-Christian

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Jesus Is Only A Whisper Away

When you're down and lonely and you see no way out just turn to Jesus you don't have to shout
Give Him your troubles and He'll be there to lead and to guide you and to show you that He cares

Jesus is only a whisper away. He'll hear you and He'll help you everyday Just give Him your heart and let Him in
And know that with Jesus your battle you can win.

Your trials may be many, but He'll see you through He always answers and He'll carry you
So look to the Lord and know that He's there and know that on Him you can cast your care

(Repeat Chorus)


Copyright 05/16/2018

Written By: Teresa Causey-Christian

Saturday, May 5, 2018

A Time Such As This

I allowed my emotions concerning you to rule my heart and now I must accept that my choice of loving you has caused me hurt...

I should have been stronger and guarded my heart...

I think of you and the times we have shared and it makes me smile, yet I know it was not meant to be for a time such as this...

I hope nothing but the best for you now and always...

May you know the love of God first and foremost and know that I will always have love in my heart for you.

I made a choice to love you when I should have guarded my heart instead.  

Copyright 05/04/2018
Teresa Causey-Christian

Friday, April 27, 2018

What I See In You

When I look at you I see more than just your smile
I see someone who is kind and gentle, yet strong when needed
I see determination and spirit
I see sadness at times and yet I also see a joy that makes me smile
I see someone who wants to give and receive love
I see me in you in so many way in how we think and feel.
Copyright April 23, 2018
Teresa Causey-Christian

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Love Can Be Yours

Love can come in as a soft gentle rain or it can come in as the fourth of July.
Either way it is warm and wonderful when it is with the one who makes your heart beat a little faster
Love can bring you to a place you never dreamed of.
It can remove the past hurts if you let it and it can bring forth a new life of love and tenderness.
It can cover you in comfort and peace where there was none before.
Love can be yours when you give your heart to that special person who is willing to give their heart to you in return.

Teresa Causey-Christian

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Sadness Of An Untruth

The saddness that an untruth and rejection can bring into your heart is almost indescribable

It goes deeper than I could have ever imagined

It seems I may have to move forward even if it means you no longer want me in your life

The love and joy I felt when with you I hadn't felt with anyone else

It was different and stronger

Only to be crushed and rejected due to an untruth in your own mind

Oh how it seems I should have continued to guard my heart instead of opening it up to you

The wound is new and tender
Yet someday it will heal

Copyright April 24, 2018

Teresa Causey-Christian

Monday, April 23, 2018

I Opened My Heart To You

I opened my heart to you and I gave it freely

Only to have it shattered and returned to me in pieces

You allowed an unfounded truth to infiltrate your thoughts

Causing you to reject my love for something that isn't even so.

You once said that you cared for me unconditionally

Yet today I see that isn't true,

My tears have flowed like rivers and burned like fire on my face

My heart aches from your rejection over what is not even a truth

My life is forever changed knowing I trusted that you would never hurt nor reject me.

Oh how wrong I was to believe and oh how it hurts so deep within my soul

I had guarded my heart for many years until I opened it to you only to have it crumbled like an unwanted piece of paper.

Copyright 04/23/2018

Teresa Causey-Christian

Thursday, April 12, 2018

God Will Forge And Mold You.

This is what I felt in my spirit. You are a warrior for Christ and He will keep you strong even in your weakness, He will forge you until He has molded you into who He created you to be. He will shield you when needed and He will bring you to a place of new joy that you have never experienced yet. He does not allow you to go through anything that He does not already have a plan for to make you stronger in Him. He has predestined you even before the foundation of the earth. His will for your life may not always be your will, but it is always the right one when He has chosen it for you. When you go through a wilderness it is to bring you to Him not to push you away. He has great plans for your life, He only needs you to do all you can then stand and see the glory if God begin to move even more powerful in your life. He is a just God and He is a God of wrath, but He is also a God of love, hope, grace and so much more. Look to Him when you feel the world is caving in on you for it is then you will see His mighty power and direction His for your life. Do not give into fear what a man/woman can take from you instead give into what God has in store for you even more than you could ever lose. He loves you and He will not let you go through anything that He will not use for His glory and for your good. Not only is God here for you so am I!! tcc
Copyright 04/12/2018
Teresa Christian

Love Me Always

               Love Me Always

Love me always with passion

Look into my eyes as if you have never loved before

Bring me into your arms so strong yet so gentle

Bless me with your love so true that I may be consumed

Reach for me and know that I will be there for you

Make my heart soar with eagles from your love

Lean into me with grace for my faults

You bring me a joy that I was not sure I would find

You can make me smile even when I feel like crying 

Being near you gives me hope of love

Love me always 

Copyright 04/12/2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

You Are My Blessing

When I think of God and His many blessings I think of you, I think of the hours of laughter and the joy that I feel when I am with you, Seeing you smile makes me long for love; a love that can be shown in many ways, the brush of your hand against mine, a whisper of your voice which burns into my mind and my heart, looking into your eyes and seeing such gentleness. I believe that love can be such a wonderful thing when given and received by ones who love God first; for it is then that all else will be added to a love that is blessed by God. 


Monday, April 9, 2018

My Heart Waits

My heart waits for the day to come that you will love me with God's blessings,
It waits for each time I can see you, hear you laugh, see you smile and look into your eyes,
It waits for a time of being able to express my feelings of love for you,
My heart waits for you...

Copyright April 9, 2018 Teresa Christian