Tuesday, December 3, 2019

God Is Always There For You...

I felt a need to share what is on my heart... I want to tell you about someone who is there for you, even when you feel no one else is, a man, who will love you no matter what wrong you have done in your life, a man who can heal your hearts and your bodies, a man who will raise you up even when others are trying to tear you down, a man who will walk while carrying you when you cannot carry yourself, a man who will comfort you when you feel down, a man who bottle all of your tears, a man who knows the pain of sorrow and a man who knows the joy of caring for others and a man who died and rose from the grave that we might live eternally with Him as those that have accepted Him into their hearts and gone before us. This wonderful and amazing man is Jesus Christ the son of God. If you feel a tug in your spirit to turn your life over to Him and to serve Him, please heed that tug for we are not promised tomorrow. Do not turn from Him when He is reaching out to you. Do not say, "I will live for today and accept Him on another day" for you may or may not have that extra day. You have not sinned so bad that He will not forgive you. To accept Him into your heart is as simple as asking Him to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart and to confess that you have received Him. I hope that you will think on these things and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour this very night.  tcc

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

My Heart Was Broken, But Not My Spirit

My Heart Was Broken, But Not My Spirit...

My Heart Was Broken, But Not My Spirit,
You said you loved me only to later walk away ...

I put on a brave front, but inside I was shattered...

I smiled so you wouldn't see the hurt I felt inside and as I turned away I could feel the warm tears running down my face...

My heart was broken, but not my spirit,
As much as it hurt I had to accept what could not be...

Someday you may realize to late that I would have been the one who would have stood by you when others walk away...

I would have been the one to love you even if you lost everything...

I would have waited for you, been there to encourage you, to lift you up and to help you at the time...

I would have held you when you were sad and I would have comforted you and prayed with you...

I would have been there for you all of your days on this earth...

Now I must now learn to stop being in love with you which was not what I wanted to have to do...

I knew better than to let myself love you, for it wasn't meant to be, yet it seemed I couldn't stop from loving you...

Yet now I have no choice but to move
forward without you in my life as you once were...

My heart was broken, but not my spirit,

Copyright Teresa Causey-Christian
Aug. 19, 2018

Monday, February 11, 2019

Spiritual Warrior Arise

Lord let not the spiritual warrior in me slumber, spiritual warrior arise and keep me ever ready to do Your will that You may fulfill Your plan in my life to its fullest and that I may have life and have it abundantly as per Your word and promises. tcc

Saturday, January 5, 2019

She Wiped Away Her Tears

She Wiped Away Her Tears

She decided that she had cried enough tears and that she had hurt long enough; so she wiped her tears away and then she began moving forward to see where God would lead her and as she did this she asked God to remove the hurt and to give her wisdom, knowledge and discernment so that she would move in the direction that He wanted her to go. When she did this she knew she would be alright and that no matter who walks away from her that God would never leave nor forsake her. Her past chocies no matter how long ago nor how recent would not define her, because it is God who defines her, not others.
Copyright Teresa Causey-Christian
Jan. 5, 2019

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

I Thought Of You Today...

I Thought Of You Today...

I thought of you today and of the laughter that we once shared, of the walks and long talks that ended all to soon...
I thought of your smile and of all the good things that I first saw in you that caused me to fall in love with you...
I remembered the moment you said that you loved me...
And then I thought of when you told me to forget you and you walked away...
Oh the pain of those words, knowing I had opened up my heart to you, only to have to close it...
I then realized I should have never allowed my emotions to go where I knew they should not have gone...
I thought of you today and of how my love for you was not meant for a time such as this...
Copyright Teresa Causey-Christian
Jan. 1, 2018