Thursday, November 22, 2018


We can lose a home and be homeless, yet God will help us to still find a way to smile...
We can lose our other possessions and yet God will still help us see that we still have Him...
We can miss those we love because they refuse to be in our lives as they once were, yet God will never leave nor forsake us...
We can feel all alone and afraid, yet God will bring us peace in our wilderness...
We can get to where we don't see an answer, yet God always has the answer...
We can cry alone where others can't see us, yet God bottles our tears....
We can fall in love and have our heartsbroken, yet God promises that He is close to the broken hearted...
No matter our trials and heartaches, we can still be assured that God is right there with us, to lead us, to guide us, to hold us and to comfort us.
Copyright Teresa Causey-Christian
Nov. 22, 2018