Wednesday, July 22, 2020

God Let's Us Know

God let's me know that I am worthy of His love and respect, even when others let me know that thwy so not think that I am... God stands beside me, even when others walk away... God speaks to me even when others remain silent... God knows I've changed even when others refuse to see the change... God lifts me up even when others try to bring me down... God knows the truth even when others lie about me... God hears my cries even when others turn a deaf ear...God bottles my tears even when others want to make me cry... God listens to me even when other refuse to... God gives me stregnth even when others try to break me... God doesn't see me as replacable even when others do... God sees me as I am and loves me anyway even when some others don't.
God loves you too...  tcc

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Jesus Loves You and Me

You loved me even before I gave my heart to You.. 
You waited patiently and loved me even when many years ago I had gone astray You left the 99 and came looking for me..
You've comforted me when no one else was around me.. 
You've given me strength in my weakess moment's.. 
You've made me a survivor... 
You've guided me when I have lost my way.. 
You've corrected me when I was wrong.. You've put your arms around me when I needed a hug... 
You've shown me Your majesty in Your creations... 
And above all you gave Your life not only for me, but for every person on earth..
You rose from the grave for me and You gave me salvation freely. I don't have to earn Your love I just have to love You and live for You. 
Jesus died for all of you too. I hope you will turn to Jesus too! 
It's fast and simply, just ask Him into your heart, ask Him to forgive you of your sins and lead you in His direction. 
God loves you like no knew else can!
Copyright Teresa Causey-Christian 

Monday, January 27, 2020

Love The Sinner

To show others that we love them, is to love them with the truth of the Word and with our own love as well. If we truly love them then we will teach/preach not only God's love, but also the consequences of sin. We do not have to single any one person out about their sin unless of course God directs us to. We can include all in a message. If we love them we will tell the whole truth not bits and pieces. Jesus loves the sinners, yet He hates the sins in our/their lives, for we are all sinners and saved by grace when we accept Jesus into our hearts and although Christian's shouldn't sin, some will sin and need to repent for it says, All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We should not bash anyone over their sins as some churches like a certain Baptist one that is rude, crude and abusive in my opinion that disrupts funerals, etc does. God didn't call us to humiliate the sinner for their sins, but to love them, just not love their sins. Even as children our parents taught us right from wrong and God loves us enough to do the same and and He wants us to as well. He does it with love, however, He will also bring His discipline and at times His wrath on those who are disobedient and/or who refuse Him. We can preach against sin with love as we are commanded to do. It's how we approach it that will also make a difference and there will be those who walk away from the truth in anger, yet it doesn't mean we have failed it means they refused the gospel and God. So preach/teach His love just remember we must not leave out the other aspects of his word including sin. There are also those who would be an encourager instead of preachers however and the encourager will do just that encourage others, yet if asked about sin and the way to heaven an encourager should not shy from the truth that sin is wrong and that the only way to heaven is through Jesus, the truth the light and they way... 
Copyright Teresa Causey-Christian

Monday, January 13, 2020

God Is Always There

God is always there, sometimes we are left in what seems like a Wilderness and at times when it seems like nothing's going the way we want it, yet God has a plan in everything we do, even the times we're out of His will He still has a plan. God knew even before the very foundation of this earth every choice, every thought and every movement we would make both right and wrong, yet He chooses to love us even when we have made our own wrong choices. Don't think that God's not there, because He is and He's watching, He's listening and He's waiting for us to do what He has called us to do. The Bible says do all you can then stand and see the glory of God, so do what you can and keep praying, and doing his will. If you know you've been out of the will of God just ask Him to forgive you ask Him to help you to stay in His will to show you what He wants you to do where He wants you to go what do you want you to say give it all to Him. tcc
John 10:10
Jer 29:11 
Jer 33:3
Rom 8:28
Heb 11:1